PACIFIC BLACK DUCK (Anas superciliosa)

The Pacific Black Duck (Anas supercilious) is a large, familiar and typical dabbling duck found over most of Australia except for the deep centre of the interior.

Ringwood Lake in the outer eastern suburb of Ringwood .

The male and female are very similar and to be honest I’ve never noticed any difference between the two.

Pacific Black Duck – Ringwood Lake

In flight or stretching, or sometimes even standing still, its wings reveal the beautiful purplish-green speculum and broad white underwings.

Pacific Black Duck – on the northern side of Nymphaea Lake, Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne

Here in the western suburb of Maribyrnong, I’ve photographed it on the nearby Burndap Lake, the Maribyrnong River (which runs parallel to the lake), Frogs Hollow Wetlands at the top of this map and the nearby Maribyrnong Wetlands (and pond) at the bottom of this map.

Occasionally, I’ve managed to get up close which shows how comfortable these ducks are with humans in the area.

I spent some time photographing them diving and resurfacing at the pond in the Treasury Gardens on the eastern perimeter of Melbourne’s CBD (Central Business District).

…and here, where I currently live in the western suburbs.